Ouarzazate a city that charts the parameters of coexistence and tolerance

Ouarzazate..a city that charts the parameters of coexistence and tolerance between Jews and Muslims
Jewish Cemetery Ouarzazate

Ouarzazate..a city that charts the parameters of coexistence and tolerance between Jews and Muslims

The coexistence between Jews and Muslims in the Maghreb formed the dominant feature of the relationship between them, and they became an essential component of Moroccan society after their integration into it, and they played an important role in various fields, especially in commercial and financial transactions, during their settlement in the country. The Jews also played a major role in moving the wheel of the economy in Morocco, through their interest in industry and traditional crafts. There were also many manifestations of coexistence between Moroccan Jews and Muslims in daily life, culture, rituals and celebrations, as Moroccan society formed a suitable space for their stability and integration in an atmosphere of tolerance

In this context, Moulay Hussein Al-Alawi, a professor and researcher in history in the southeast of Morocco, said that the Jews are considered part of the political, historical, social and geographical entity of Morocco, adding that “the Jewish community, like other human groups, has flocked to the Moroccan field since ancient times, as well as the Berber and Arab migrations after Islamic conquest". Al-Alawi explained that the presence of the Jews dates back to before Islam and after the Islamic conquest, and they came through migrations to the Moroccan field, adding: “Although there is an absence of an accurate history about when the Jews entered Morocco, they are considered among the original inhabitants of Morocco, and their presence in the Moroccan field was since ancient times

The researcher in the history of the Southeast added, in an interview with the electronic jewsreeds , about coexistence between Jews and Muslims in Morocco, (he added) that the Moroccan Jewish community is like the rest of the Moroccan citizens, whether Berbers or Arabs, as everyone coexisted in an atmosphere of respect and appreciation. Oral accounts, which jewsreeds gleaned from some elderly people, and researchers on the issue of coexistence between Muslims and Jews, indicate that Jews fleeing the persecution they were subjected to in a group of countries, especially in Europe, preferred to settle in Morocco, even before the Islamic conquest, Coexistence with the sects settled at that time in Morocco, until the establishment of the State of Israel and the beginning of the immigration of Jews towards it

Morocco is a country of tolerance
Morocco is a country of tolerance

Morocco is a country of tolerance

 In light of the waves of extremism, violence and murder that many countries in the world are witnessing, due to religious fanaticism that rules some mentalities that boast about the shedding of innocent blood; Morocco remains one of the safe countries, as a person can practice his religious rites, whether Islamic, Jewish or Christian, however he wants. According to Alaoui, Morocco is a model of coexistence and social peace, explaining that inter-religious coexistence in Morocco is not born today, but dates back to ancient times and the succession of civilizations, such as the Greek, Roman and Islamic civilizations, which explains the existence of different places of worship in Morocco

The same researcher emphasized that the promotion of religious tolerance and interfaith dialogue remained one of the main elements in the direction of the honorable Alawi Kingdom of Morocco, pointing out that religious tolerance and dialogue among all religions made Morocco live in security and tranquility, stressing that Morocco devotes its efforts to urging tolerance and peaceful coexistence on the regional and international levels. The same speaker, speaking about the Jews in Morocco, reiterated that most of the regions of Morocco had Jews, not only in Marrakesh or Essaouira, but also in the provinces of Ouarzazate, Toudaga, Zagora, and other regions in the southeast, and they lived among Muslims in an atmosphere of respect

jewish cemeteries
jewish cemeteries

jewish cemeteries

 According to statements made by jewsreds from those interested in the history of Jews in the province of Ouarzazate and a number of tourist guides, the same region has more than 27 Jewish cemeteries distributed over several areas, including the cemetery located in the center of the city of Ouarzazate, exactly in the Oued Ed-Dahab neighborhood. Hisham Boughazwal, interested in the history of the Jews and a tour guide in the city of Ouarzazate, confirmed that the Jewish cemeteries in the province of Ouarzazate express the coexistence that Jews and Muslims lived and the brotherhood that characterized their relationship, noting that the Jews currently settled in Israel still visit the graves of their fathers and grandfather

Boghzwal said, in a statement to jewsreeds, that the Jewish cemetery in the center of the city of Ouarzazate contains hundreds of graves, most of which have been restored and the rest will be restored soon. The Jewish community every year in the city of Tire, and the other is named Rabbi Nehemias. The same spokesman stressed that the Jewish cemeteries in the province of Ouarzazate, and Morocco in general, embody coexistence and tolerance between Muslims and Jews in the past centuries, explaining that some cemeteries in the province of Ouarzazate are more than 300 years old, and Jews still visit them frequently

The religious season “Hilula
The religious season “Hilula

"The religious season “Hilula

 In addition to a group of things that embody the coexistence and tolerance that characterize the relationship of Jews and Muslims in Morocco in general, and the province of Ouarzazate in particular; There is a Jewish religious festival held annually in the Igram Nokdal area, where Rabbi David Omoshe is laid to rest. The Igram Noukdal region, which is administratively affiliated to the province of Ouarzazate, organizes annually the sacred religious season for the Jews known as “Hiloula”, which has been held for more than 234 years in this region, which explains that the Jewish religion was respected by Muslims, says Ahmed Zaim, a research professor History in the province of Ouarzazate

Zaim stressed, in a statement to jewsreeds, that the hiloula season, which is celebrated by the Jewish community in the province of Ouarzazate, expresses the extent to which Muslims accept the Jews in the past centuries, and also expresses the extent of coexistence that was between them, especially since Jewish and Islamic families exchange visits, and bless each other on occasions, Be it Islamic or Jewish

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