The Jewish Cemetery in Lower Taznakht (Al-Kasbah)

The Jewish Cemetery  in Lower Taznakht
The Jewish Cemetery in Lower Taznakht

 The Jewish Cemetery in Lower Taznakht (Al-Kasbah): A local archaeological memory and landmark for a common history

Lower Taznakht (Kasbah) Jewish Cemetery: A Memory and a Rich Local Setting for a Shared History

The Jewish Cemetery in Lower Taznakht
The Jewish Cemetery in Lower Taznakht

Always in the context of determining the date of an event, or a parameter, of the past that is considered an unscientific alphabet, the events of the region were not recorded, in addition to the scarcity of the sources, but rather to their absence, and what we got from the recent history in all these regions was only oral, and the oral narration is often Influenced and governed by a number of factors, and hence the imperative to subject it to certain scientific measurements and axioms, knowing that this local creative civilizational coexistence did not live with it as a generation, but we only heard about it and our villages to it, and what witnessed it was only this cemetery with some places and buildings, which It still exists, wrestling with time and years, and some very rare pictures of some of the inhabiting families, which date back to the year 1954 and migrated later, i.e. (1964)

The Jewish Cemetery in Lower Taznakht
The Jewish Cemetery in Lower Taznakht

They have cemeteries and houses in the entirety of the districts that they inhabited, such as Maarouft and Tanyirg Ait Mesri....etc. Perhaps our homes and the neighboring tribes know all of them...... But racism and contempt made them ignore and alienate them, as they alienate others from them as well

The Jewish Cemetery in Lower Taznakht
The Jewish Cemetery in Lower Taznakht

And I realized when I was very the late fifties and early sixties that the Jews used to enter the douars and trade with the residents....and they were very polite with the residents

Old photos of Jews in Morocco
Old photos of Jews in Morocco

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